Managing Water Use In Winemaking
Wineries measure their water usage and implement plans to reduce their water intake.

Lightweight Wine Bottles
Wineries use lightweight bottles. Lightweight bottles use fewer materials in manufacturing, the reduced glass weight lowers transportation costs, and bottles are often made from recycled materials.

Sensor Lights and Taps
Wineries have implemented automatic lighting and water technologies, many wineries have retrofitted their lighting to LED.

Viable Business Planning
Wineries have established a sustainable purchasing plan for products and materials. Many wineries also choose to work closely with community businesses to source local materials and services.

Energy Efficiency
Wineries monitor and record energy use. Wineries use high-efficiency lighting and implement automatic lighting technologies, where appropriate.

Waste Management: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
Wineries monitor the amount of waste generated at their operations and follow plans to minimize the amount of waste being sent to landfills.

Alternative Energy: Solar Panels, Geothermal, Alternative Vehicle Fuel Sources and Technologies
Wineries incorporate energy-efficient designs by the use of solar and geothermal energy; wineries may also purchase green power sources through the electricity grid. Some wineries also use hybrid or electric vehicles and have installed EV chargers at their locations for staff and guests.

Winery Design
Some SWO Certified wineries are LEED® certified, and some use the force of gravity to move grapes and wine through all stages of production, eliminating the need for pumps or other machinery.
Sustainable Winegrowing Ontario Certified
Producers of Certified Wines
Ontario Craft Wineries is responsible for winery certification